Who We Are
The Uniting Church in Australia – is bigger than our congregation.
On any Sunday more than 2,500 congregations across Australia worship at a Uniting Church, including many congregations that worship in languages other than English.
The Uniting Church is the third largest Christian denomination in Australia and the first church to be created in and of Australia. The Uniting Church in Australia was formed on June 22, 1977, as a union of three churches: the Congregational Union of Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia and the Presbyterian Church of Australia.
From the outset, the Uniting Church sought to be a loud voice for a world that is fair and equitable, to welcome everyone as they are and to protect God’s creation and the planet we live on.
Today, through Uniting, the Uniting Church is the largest non-government provider of community services in Australia.
To find out more about or to get involved in the ministry of the Uniting Church in the Hunter Valley visit the Hunter Presbytery website
For information on the Uniting Church in NSW visit the Synod of NSW & ACT website
To find out more about the Uniting Church in Australia visit the Assembly website.
To be a fellowship of reconciliation, living God’s love and acting for the common good to build a just and compassionate community.
The Uniting Church is:
inclusive and generous
honest and accountable
just and compassionate
hopeful and courageous.
To inspire, empower and support the Uniting Church in all its varied expressions to live out our Christian faith.
We affirm that this means supporting the goals of:
Bringing people to Gods Love
Responding to human need and strengthening community
Transforming unjust social structures
Continuing to learn and grow
Protecting and renewing creation.
St Andrew's
St Andrew's is a Safe Church
At St Andrews Uniting Church we endeavour to provide an environment that is physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually safe for all children and adults.
The Uniting Church commits itself to the care, protection, and safety of all people with whom it comes in contact.
St Andrews - A Brief History
In 1837, the first clergyman appointed to the district was a Presbyterian, but this was short lived.
Scone’s first Presbyterian Church was opened in 1861.
The manse was built in 1891 and in 1911 the present church of St Andrew was built on a new site adjoining the manse. The old building then became – and still is – the Masonic Temple in Kingdon Street.
In 1918, a new Estey Organ was installed. Today it’s the only one of its kind still working in Australia. See: https://www.ohta.org.au/organs/organs/SconeUC.html for detailed history.
In 1952, the Philip Norman Memorial hall was opened. Rev Norman, was minister in Scone for 34 years (1886-1919), including 1907 as State Moderator.
Methodist witness began in Scone in early 1840s and by 1848 Scone had become the centre of a Mission which was regarded as an experiment in thinly populated areas. Services were held in various places including the Courthouse and later in the good Templars Hall.
In 1883 Scone combined with Muswellbrook to form a new Circuit and by 1888 Methodism was well and truly established in Scone.
1892 saw the opening of the new Methodist Church with the addition of the hall in 1918.
After Union in 1977, the Methodist Church building was sold to Scone Baptist Church.
"Ann Martin is currently our only organist. The Easty Pipe Organ is the last organ of its kind remaining in Australia.”
With permission: The Scone Advocate, Australian Community Media